Homework 3

Meditation Distractions - This piece starts of with an arpeggiation of major 7th chord, creating an ambien state, which is supposed to represent the entrance into meditation. As the progression speeds up, the subject enters deeper stages of meditation and begins to enlighten himself when the sounds begin to blur. Suddenly, a low frequency saw oscillator enters and pans from left to right, symbolizing the distractions that surround the meditator as he attempts to maintain his enlightened state. He seemingly prevails as he manages to push the distractions away, as evidenced by the out-fading of the saw oscillator. However, during the process, he chord was unnoticeably switched to a minor 7th. Despite the meditator's efforts, he can no longer find his original "enlightenment" (the initial chord or even a similar progression of notes) and he dissapointedly ends his meditation.

Here is a link to the code file

Meditation Distractions

Here are some links to the 4 pre-ambisonic files

MeditationW MeditationX MeditationY MeditationZ