River Flows Data Reader River Player I played the Columbia and James rivers simultaeneously. I then had a clip of my voice saying "The Crazy Colorado." Following that was the Colorado River data, played at a lower frequency and with a reverb effect. To finish off I played more of the Columbia and James rivers.

I played the Columbia and James rivers simultaeneously. I then had a clip of my voice saying "The Crazy Colorado." Following that was the Colorado River data, played at a lower frequency and with a reverb effect. To finish off I played more of the Columbia and James rivers.

Sources: Time Series Data Library (citing: McMahon and Mein (1986)) Licenses: Monthly Flows, Colorado River Lees Ferry. 1911 – 1972

Sources: Time Series Data Library (citing: Hipel and McLeod (1994)) Licenses: Monthly riverflow in cms, Columbia River at nicholson, 1933 - 1969

Sources: Time Series Data Library (citing: Hipel and McLeod (1994)) Licenses: Monthly riverflow in cms, James River at buchanan, VA, 1911 - 1960