2001 Publications

  • Sapp, Craig. "Harmonic Visualizations of Tonal Music" in the Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2001, Havana, Cuba. pp. 423-430. [ Black & White PDF | Color PDF | PPT Slides | PPS Slides | HTML Slides | PDF-1up | PDF-2up | PDF-6up ]

    Abstract: Multi-timescale visualization techniques for displaying the output from key-finding algorithms are presented in this paper. The horizontal axis of the key graphs represents time in the score, while the vertical axis represents the duration of an analysis window used to select music for the key-finding algorithm. Each analysis window result is shaded according to the output keys tonic pitch. The resulting diagrams can be used to compare differences between key-finding algorithms at different time scales and to view the harmonic structure and relationships between key regions in a musical composition

    Cited in 4 subsequent papers (2005):

    1. Gómez, Emilia and Jordi Bonada. "Tonality Visualization of Polyphonic Audio" in the Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 2005, Barcelona Spain. [ PDF ]
    2. Isaacson, Eric. "What You See Is What You Get: On Visualizing Music" in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, 2005, London, United Kingdom. [ PDF ]
    3. Purwins, Hendrik. "Profiles of Pitch Classes: Circularity of Relative Pitch and Key-Experiments, Models, Computational Music Analysis, and Perspectives. Ph.D. Theses, Technical University of Berlin, Germany. [ PDF ]
    4. Sapp, Craig. "Visual Hierarchical Key Analysis" in Computers in Entertainment (CIE), Vol. 3, No. 4 (Oct 2005). [ PDF ]
  • de la Cuadra, Patricio, Aaron Master and Craig Sapp, "Efficient Pitch Detection Techniques for Interactive Music" in the Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2001, Havana, Cuba. pp. 403-406. [ PDF  ]

    Abstract: Several pitch detection algorithms are examined for use in interactive computer-music performance. We define criteria necessary for successful pitch tracking in real-time and survey four tracking techniques: Harmonic Product Spectrum (HPS), Cepstrum-Biased HPS (CBHPS), Maximum Likelihood (ML), and the Weighted Autocorrelation Function (WACF).

    Cited in 10 subsequent papers (2002-2005):

    1. Saul, Lawrence K., and Daniel D. Lee, Charles L. Isbell and Yann LeCun. "Real-Time Voice Processing with Audiovisual Feedback: Towards Autonomous Agents with Perfect Pitch" in the Proceedings on Neural Information Processing System 2002. [ PDF ]
    2. Velikic, Gordana, Edward L. Titlebaum and Mark F. Bocko. "Musical Note Segmentation Employing Combined Time and Frequency Analyses". International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2004, Montreal, Canada. [ PDF ]
    3. Wieczorkowska, A., J. Wroblewski, P. Synak, and D. Slezak. "Application of Temporal Descriptors to Musical Instrument Sound Recognition" in the Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2003.
    4. Wilgen, Arne van. "Tonhöhenbestimmung für Verfahren der Melodieerkennung im Standard MPEG-7". Dissertation, Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Telekommunikationssysteme, 8 September 2003. [ PDF ]
    5. Wilson, Robert Scott. "First Steps Towards Violin Performance Extraction using Genetic Programming" [ PDF ]
    6. Cemgil, Ali Taylan. Bayesian Music Transcription. Ph.D. Dissertation, 2004, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. [ PDF ]
    7. Nielsen, Andreas Brinch. Pitch Based Sound Classification. Masters Thesis, 15 August 2005, Technical University of Denmark. [ PDF ]
    8. Collins, Nick. "An Automated Event Analysis System with Compositional Applications". Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 2005, Barcelona, Spain. [ PDF ]
    9. Larson, Eric and Ross Maddox. "Real-Time Time-Domain Pitch Tracking Using Wavelets", REU Report, 2005, Unviersity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Physics. [ PDF ]
    10. Jeon, Chulwoong, and Peter F. Driessen. "The Intelligent Artificial Vocal Vibrato Effecter using Pitch Detection and Delay-Line" Audio Engineering Society Convention Paper 6407, presented at the 118th convention 28-31 May 2005, Barcelona, Spain. [ PDF ]
  • Verplank, Bill, Craig Sapp and Max Mathews. "A Course on Controllers". CHI 2001 New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) Workshop; Seattle, Washington; April 2001. [ PDF ]

    Abstract: Over the last four years, we have developed a series of lectures, labs and project assignments aimed at introducing enough technology so that students from a mixture of disciplines can design and build innovative interface devices.

    Cited in 9 subsequent papers (2002-2004):

    1. Beamish, Tim, Karon MacLean, Sidney Fels. "Designing the Haptic Turntable for Musical Control" in the Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (HAPTICS 2003). 22-23 March 2003. pp 24-31.
    2. Beamish, Timothy, Kees van den Doel, Karon MacLean and Sidney Fels. "D'Groove: A Haptic Turntable for Digital Audio Control" in the Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Auditory Display. Boston, Massachusetts, 6-9 July 2003. [ PDF ]
    3. Beamish, Timothy, Karon Maclean, Sidney Fels. "Manipulating Music: Multimodal Interaction for DJs" in the Procceedings of the CHI 2004, 24-29 April 2004, Vienna, Austria. [ PDF ]
    4. Blaine, Tina and Sidney Fels. "Contexts of Collaborative Musical Experiences" in the Proceedings of the Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2003, Montreal, Canada. [ PDF ]
    5. D'Archangelo, Gideon. "Creating a Context for Musical Innovation: A NIME Curriculum" in the Proceedings of the Conference on New Instruments for Musical Expression (NIME) 2002, Dublin, Ireland, May 24-26, 2002. [ PDF ]
    6. Hatanaka, Motohide. "Ergonomic Design of a Portable Musical Instrument" in the Proceedings of the Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2003, Montreal Canada. [ PDF ]
    7. Hankins, Tim, David Merrill and Jocelyn Robert. "Circular Optical Object Locator" in the Proceedings of the Conference on New Instruments for Musical Expression (NIME), 2002, Dublin, Ireland, May 24-26, 2002. [ PDF ]
    8. Verplank, Bill, Michael Gurevich and Max Mathews. "The Plank: Designing a simple haptic controller" in the Proceedings of the Conference on New Intruments for Musical Expression (NIME), Dublin, Ireland, 24-26 May 2002. [ PDF ]
    9. Wilson, Scott, Michael Gurevich, Bill Verplank, and Pascal Stang. "Microcontrollers in Music HCI Instruction" in the Proceedings of the Conference on New Instruments for Musical Expression (NIME) 2003, Montreal, Canada. [ PDF ]
  • Selfridge-Field, Eleanor, Walter Hewlett, and Craig Sapp. "Data Models for Virtual Distribution of Music Scores" at WEDELMUSIC 2001. Firenze (Florence), Italy. pp. 62-70. [ PDF  ]

    Abstract: With the rise of portal sites for image-file download of musical scores, the electronic distribution of musical scores, an activity in progress of 15 years, has attracted increased attention. We describe several data models for score distribution and emphasize the one used in the MuseData archive of musical data (1984-). This archive (containing substantial quantities of the music of Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Corelli, and Vivaldi) employs a "solar" model of supersets of musical data. From these files, score printing, sound generation, and logical information for musical analysis can be generated. The design, efficiencies, and shortcomings of this "write-once, convert-many" system are compared with models emphasizing generic musical-data interchange, and models in which music must be re-encoded for each new application. Finally, these considerations are examined in light of social practices and economic models traditionally associated with the print publication of music in Europe and the U.S.

2001 Acknowledgements, Reviews and Citations to Web Resources

  • Good, Michael. "MusicXML: An Internet-Friendly Format for Sheet Music". XML 2001 Conference Proceedings. [ PDF ]
  • Gurevich, Michael and Stephan von Muehlen. "The Accordiatron: A MIDI Controller for Interactive Music" CHI 2001 New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) Workshop; Seattle, Washington; April 2001. [ PDF ]
  • Wilkerson, Carr, Stefania Serafin and Carmen Ng. "Physical Model Synthesis and Performance Mappings of Bowl Resonators" in the Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), 2001. [ PDF ]
  • Sundberg, Johann, Anders Friberg, Max V. Mathews and Gerald Bennett. "Experiences of Combining the Radio Baton with the Director Musices Performance Grammar" at the Workshop on Current Research Directions in Computer (MOSART) Barcelona, Spain, Nov 15-17, 2001. [ PDF ]
  • Radio-Baton und 'Performance Rules': Entwicklung und Verbesserung eines Begleitinstruments für den Musikunterricht. [ webpage ]
  • SynthX 1.0 by Georg Bönn. [ webpage ]