//OVERTONE SERIES RANDOM GENERATOR //Can comment effects in and out SinOsc s => Chorus chr => NRev rev /*=> DelayL delay */=> dac; //SinOsc f => Chorus c => NRev r => dac.chan(1); //.75::second => delay.max => delay.delay; .1 => dac.gain; 1 => s.gain; 192.25 => float frequency; //set this to room frequency 10 => int numOverTones; //Change this number to change number of overtones you would like to hear float overTones[numOverTones]; 1.0 => float i; for (0 => int j; j < numOverTones; j++) { frequency @=> overTones[j]; frequency * ((i+1)/i) => frequency; i + 1 => i; <<>>; } //In the while true loop, can isolate certain partials //using the currently commented out code while (true) { Std.rand2(1, numOverTones) => int randNum; //4 => int note; overTones[randNum - 1] => s.freq; //overTones[note]/2 => f.freq; 100::ms => now; } //Resonant frequency of listening room: 192.25 hz //Resonant frequency of dorm room: 125 hz