During the course of this quarter I plan to tackle three projects:

1 - Complete, in time for two performances, my composition Elsewhere is a Negative Mirror. This consists of writing the software, the piano part, and assisting Steven Backer and Ed Berdahl as much as possible in the creation of the Electro Magnetically-Prepared Piano, designed for the piece.

2 - Finish writing the software for my orchestral piece The Twilight or Our Minds. This piece will be read by the Stanford Orchestra this quarter, and the software requires a considerable amount of revision.

3 - Compose a piece to be recorded by the saxophonist Brian Sacawa, as part of a CD project underway with the Dal Niente Composers Group. The current plan is to capture the incoming saxophone signal and use the fft~ object in Max/MSP to split the signal, gradually pitch shifting the highs higher and the lows lower.