Homework 3

etude_isorhythm_acceleration_spinoffs in g minor

Experimenting with FM synthesis and isorhythmic competition. Came up with one 12-note melody and created a set of deviations from that, based on skipping (e.g. every 2nd note, or every 5th note of the sequence) or transposition (i.e. a perfect fifth below) to create additional sequences. The piece is split into three sections: the first entails speeding up with the 2nd note oscillating between L and R, the second is a vast deceleration with the sequence of 5th notes and a modified L/R oscillating pattern, and the last is a vast (unsynchronized) acceleration. In each of these three phases, the original melody plays, and part of the fun of the piece is identifying it from the other sequence!

The sounds were layered in using a pair of clips for each of the three sections (six clips in total). Here's a link to my ChucK code for this project:


And here's the output. (Edit: I'm still having some trouble exporting beyond mono from ChucK and getting the 'play' button to work - will update as soon as I get these to work properly!...)
