Selection from Maurice Maeterlinck's Symbolist Drama, L'Intruder

The opening scene from Maurice Maeterlinck's 1890 play, The Intruder. We read this in one of my TAPS classes. Maeterlinck, like other Symbolists, and like many dramatic theorists of the avant-garde, thought the physical presence of actors onstage was consistently imperfect. This play was usually performed behind a veil, to obscure the actors' bodies from the view of the audience. I figured, if they didn't want to see the actors, it's perfect for a radio play!

Maeterlinck's The Intruder (1890)

the files used in this example are "hw2/IntruderRF.wav", "hw2/IntruderLF.wav", "hw2/IntruderLR.wav", "hw2/IntruderRR.wav"