
snd-utils - Sndplay and friends (Snd 9.1, "06/07/2007")

Command line utilities included with the snd sound editor (9.1 of
License:LGPL Group:Applications/Multimedia
URL: Source: snd


Name Version Release Type Size Built
snd-utils 9.1 1.fc7.ccrma x86_64 539 KiB Fri Jun 8 18:25:17 2007


* Thu Jun 7 15:00:00 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando{%}ccrma{*}stanford{*}edu> 9.1-1
- updated to version 9.1 of 6/7/2007
- check to see if openmotif is installed in /opt
- removed hack to detect ALSA
* Mon Mar 19 15:00:00 2007 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando{%}ccrma{*}stanford{*}edu> 8.8-1
- updated to 8.8, renamed sndinfo to snd-info to avoid a conflict
  with the binary of the same name in the csound package (fedora extras)
* Sun Nov 26 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando{%}ccrma{*}stanford{*}edu> 8.5-1
- updated to snd 8.5
- spec file tweaks, added hicolor-icon-theme runtime requirement, 
  moved icon to proper location, added post/postun scripts

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