
qsampler - LinuxSampler GUI front-end

QSampler is a LinuxSampler GUI front-end application written in C++
around the Qt3 toolkit using Qt Designer. At the moment it just wraps
as a client reference interface for the LinuxSampler Control Protocol
License:GPL Group:Applications/Multimedia
URL: Source: qsampler


Name Version Release Type Size Built
qsampler 0.1.3 3.fc7.ccrma x86_64 476 KiB Fri Jun 8 13:09:19 2007


* Wed Dec 6 14:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando{%}ccrma{*}stanford{*}edu> 0.1.3-2
- build for fc6, spec file tweaks
* Sun Jul 30 15:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando{%}ccrma{*}stanford{*}edu> 0.1.3-2
- built with libgig support
* Tue Jun 20 15:00:00 2006 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando{%}ccrma{*}stanford{*}edu> 0.1.3-1
- updated to 0.1.3
- added Planet CCRMA categories to desktop file, moved icon to proper
  freedesktop location

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