
supercollider-devel - Development files for SuperCollider

This package includes include files and libraries neede to develop
SuperCollider applications
License:GPL Group:Development/Libraries
URL: Source: supercollider


Name Version Release Type Size Built
supercollider-devel 3.3.1 2.fc11.ccrma x86_64 6.97 MiB Tue Jul 21 13:37:15 2009
supercollider-devel 3.3.1 1.fc11.ccrma x86_64 6.97 MiB Tue Jul 7 12:02:05 2009


* Tue Jul 21 05:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando{%}ccrma{*}stanford{*}edu> 3.3.1-2
- add patch2 to deal with breakage in gcc4.4/fc11 in swingosc, see
* Sat Jul 4 05:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando{%}ccrma{*}stanford{*}edu>
- install to properl lib64 path on x86_64
- add sc scel code to install, SConstruct fails to install it
* Wed Jul 1 05:00:00 2009 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano <nando{%}ccrma{*}stanford{*}edu>
- split out language in supercollider-sclang
- redo all file lists based on manual installs in a mock chroot
- enable builds on x86_64, the supercollider-sclang will be copied
  from the i386 build

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