writev (3)


       readv, writev - read or write data into multiple buffers


       #include <sys/uio.h>

       int readv(int filedes, const struct iovec *vector,
                 size_t count);

       int writev(int filedes, const struct iovec *vector,
                 size_t count);


       The  readv()  function reads count blocks from the file associated with
       the file descriptor filedes into the multiple buffers described by vec-

       The  writev()  function writes at most count blocks described by vector
       to the file associated with the file descriptor filedes.

       The pointer vector points to a struct iovec defined in <sys/uio.h> as

          struct iovec {
              void *iov_base;   /* Starting address */
              size_t iov_len;   /* Number of bytes */

       Buffers are processed in  the  order  vector[0],  vector[1],  ...  vec-

       The  readv()  function  works  just  like  read(2) except that multiple
       buffers are filled.

       The writev() function works just like  write(2)  except  that  multiple
       buffers are written out.


       The  readv()  function  returns the number of bytes or -1 on error; the
       writev() function returns the number of bytes written.


       The readv() and writev() functions can fail and set errno to  the  fol-
       lowing values:

       EBADF  fd is not a valid file descriptor.

       EINVAL fd  is  unsuitable  for  reading  (for  readv()) or writing (for

       EFAULT buf is outside the processes' address space.

       EAGAIN Non-blocking I/O had been selected in the open() call, and read-
              ing or writing could not be done immediately.

       library; the results will be undefined and probably not what you  want.


       read(2), write(2)

GNU                               1993-04-25                          readv(3)