uisp (1)


       uisp - manual page for uisp


       uisp  [OPTION]..  -dprog=TYPE  -dpart=AT90XXX  --FUNCTION.. [if=SOURCE]


   Programming Methods:

              avr910 Standard Atmel Serial Programmer/Atmel Low Cost  Program-

              pavr   http://www.avr1.org/pavr/pavr.html

              stk500 Atmel STK500


              dapa   Direct AVR Parallel Access

              stk200 Parallel Starter Kit STK200, STK300

              abb    Altera ByteBlasterMV Parallel Port Download Cable

              avrisp Atmel AVR ISP (?)

              bsd    http://www.bsdhome.com/avrdude/ (parallel)

              fbprg  http://ln.com.ua/~real/avreal/adapters.html (parallel)

              dt006  http://www.dontronics.com/dt006.html (parallel)

              maxi   Investment Technologies Maxi (parallel)

              dasa   serial (RESET=RTS SCK=DTR MOSI=TXD MISO=CTS)

              dasa2  serial (RESET=!TXD SCK=RTS MOSI=DTR MISO=CTS)

   Target Device Selection:
              Set  target abbreviated name or number. For some programmers, if
              -dpart is not given programmer's supported devices  are  listed.
              Set  -dpart=auto for auto-select. Auto-select does not work with
              all programmers, so it is recommended to always specify a target
              device explicitly.

   Parallel Device Settings:
       -dlpt=address|device name
              specify device name (Linux ppdev, FreeBSD ppi, serial) or direct
              I/O parallel port address (0x378, 0x278, 0x3BC)

              Program without data polling (a little slower)
              Set minimum SCK high/low time in micro-seconds (default 5)

              Set FLASH maximum write delay time in micro-seconds

              Set EEPROM maximum write delay time in micro-seconds

              Set reset inactive (high) time in micro-seconds

              Invert  specified lines Use -v=3 option to see current settings.

   Atmel Low Cost Programmer Serial Device Settings:
       -dserial=device name
              Set serial interface as /dev/ttyS* (default /dev/avr)

              Set speed of the serial interface (default 19200)

   Stk500 specific options:
              Use Hi-V parallel programming  instead  of  serial  (default  is

              Read  the  ARef  Voltage.  Note  that due to a bug in the stk500
              firmware, the read value is sometimes off by 0.1 from the actual
              value measured with a volt meter.

              Read  the  Vtarget Voltage. Note that due to a bug in the stk500
              firmware, the read value is sometimes off by 0.1 from the actual
              value measured with a volt meter.

              Set  the  ARef Voltage. Valid values are 0.0 to 6.0 volts in 0.1
              volt increments.  Value can  not  be  larger  than  the  VTarget

              Set  the  VTarget  Voltage. Valid values are 0.0 to 6.0 volts in
              0.1 volt increments.  Value can not be  smaller  than  the  ARef

              Upload "input_file" to the AVR memory.

              Verify "input_file" (processed after the --upload opt.)

              Download AVR memory to "output_file" or stdout.

              Write fuse low byte

              Write fuse high byte

              Write fuse extended byte

              Write lock bits. Argument is a byte where each bit is:
               Bit5 -> blb12
               Bit4 -> blb11
               Bit3 -> blb02
               Bit2 -> blb01
               Bit1 -> lb2
               Bit0 -> lb1

       --lock Write lock bits [old method; deprecated].

              Input  file  for the --upload and --verify functions in Motorola
              S-records (S1 or S2) or 16 bit Intel format

              Output file for the --download function  in  Motorola  S-records
              format, default is standard output

   Other Options:
              Set verbose level (-v equals -v=2, min/max: 0/4, default 1)

              Print hash (default is 32 bytes)

       --help -h

              Print version information

              Invoke shell-like terminal


       Written by Uros Platise.


       Report bugs to <uisp-dev@nongnu.org>




       (c) 1997-1999 Uros Platise, 2000-2003 Marek Michalkiewicz