Eoin Callery

Eoin Callery is an Irish artist and researcher who develops

electroacoustic systems for chamber music and sound installation. This

involves exploring acoustic phenomena in live situations, and embedding

sounds or gestures into layers of automated live electronic processes,

and has led to the creation of new technologies for generating

interactive virtual acoustic environments. Information about his work

and recent performances can be found here at eoincallerysound.com.

He holds a BMus from University College Cork (2008), MA from Wesleyan

University (2010), and completed his DMA at Stanford University (2016).

 From 2017-2019 he was a lecturer at CCRMA (Center for Computer Research

in Music and Acoustics) at Stanford University. He is currently a

lecturer and the course director for the Composition and Creative Music

Practice MA in The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the

University of Limerick